Probus Club members head to the theatre

Enjoying the performance of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat in Sydney.

MEMBERS of the Port Stephens Probus Club have enjoyed two fun outings recently, one to see Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat in Sydney and the other to play Putt Putt at the David Grahams Golf Complex.

A bus load of excited ‘Probians’ from the Port Stephens Probus Club together with Tomaree Ladies Probus members took off for Sydney to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

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Ann Gibson told News Of The Area, “From all reports it was a terrific show and a great day had by all.”

This outing was organised by Brenda Davie, well known for her love of the theatre.

When the Probus Club turned up to play golf however, the weather was against them.

“Much fun and friendship was evident, even if the course was a bit too wet to play golf.

“This was followed by the traditional ‘lobster sizzle’ masquerading as sausages cooked by our master chefs, Roy, Ian and John.”

The club’s ladies came to the party with homemade cakes for dessert.

Presentations were made to the winners with much boasting of holes in one.

“It was a great fun activity, very well organized as usual, by John and Carol.”


Members of the Probus Clubs after putt putt golf.

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