Printmakers collaborate for Woolgoolga art show

Printmakers Margie Hawton and Alycia Stanley working on their print scrolls.

THE unique art form of printmaking is going on show at Woolgoolga Art Gallery.

The ‘A Printer’s Perspective’ exhibition officially opens at 6pm on Friday 26 July.

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The exhibition, a collaboration of well established and emerging printmakers from Woolgoolga to Nambucca, will showcase a mix of all mediums of printmaking – lino, etching, gelli printing, calligraphy and more.

One featured exhibition work is a collaboration of all the artists involved.

Guided by the theme of ‘water’, each artist will print on two-metre-long pieces of paper that will hang from the gallery roof, creating a three-dimensional installation of unique works.

“Printmakers are an enthusiastic group of people,” exhibition co-organiser Karen Thio told News Of The Area.

“There are many social groups in the area where printmakers meet and print together; there is always plenty of fun and laughter and ink and newcomers are always welcome.”

Printmaking is an old art form, however new techniques and modern content allow for diverse works.

A new technique tested out for the exhibition involves re-using UHT milk containers.

“The printmakers will be doing demonstrations of this on Saturday 3 August and visitors are welcome to come and see how it’s done,” said Karen.

“This exhibition will be an opportunity for visitors to the gallery not only to view the creations but also to experience the art of printmaking.”

The exhibition runs from Friday 26 July to Sunday 25 August at Woolgoolga Art Gallery, 73 Turon Parade, Woolgoolga.

For more information contact Karen Thio 0418 402 301 or email


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