Power Trip on offer to regional youth

The 2023 NSW competition winners.

YOUNG rural women and non-binary people from across regional New South Wales will have the opportunity to win a once-in-a-lifetime ‘Power Trip’ to the nation’s capital.

Celebrating its tenth year, Country to Canberra’s prestigious Leadership Competition launched this week, opening the door for young rural leaders to embark on a five-day leadership experience designed to help them reach their leadership potential.

Successful entrants will meet with CEOs and politicians, undertake leadership training, tour Parliament House and have access to ongoing support and community as Country to Canberra alumni.

This year, entrants will draw from their own lived experiences in regional Australia as they answer the 2024 Leadership Competition question: ‘You can’t be what you can’t see. How do women and non-binary leaders in your community inspire you to make change?’.

Country to Canberra CEO Pauline Siteaud says ten years on, the Power Trip remains focussed on empowering young rural women and non-binary people to see and realise their leadership potential.

“At Country to Canberra, we view a rural upbringing as a strength, not a liability,” Ms Siteaud said.

“We know regional Australia is filled with inspiring and legacy-building leaders.

“We want entrants to reflect on how the leaders who have paved the way have inspired them in their leadership journey.”

2023 winner Milly McGrath, who grew up in Port Macquarie, says Country to Canberra’s Leadership Competition was transformative.

“The Power Trip was not only a chance to make incredible friends, but also an opportunity to learn from inspiring women, empower my own development and push against the boundaries that try to tell me ‘you can’t’,” Milly said.

For 2023 Dungog winner Gwen Rumbel, the Leadership Competition was an empowering experience.

“The Power Trip changed me by opening my eyes to what leadership means in practice and on a larger scale than I had experienced,” Gwen said.

Country to Canberra is encouraging all eligible rural students in Grades 10-12 to take part.

For further details visit www.countrytocanberra.com.au.

Entries close 11.59 PM AEST, Friday 16 August 2024.

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