Positive Behaviour for Learning Awards

This week’s PBL nominees at MarketPlace Raymond Terrace.

THE region’s Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Awards program reinforces key community values into local students, and local schools are seeing the benefits.

“Irrawang High School is proud to be a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) School and a partner in the Raymond Terrace Community PBL Program,” a representative of Irrawang High School said.

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“For many years we have seen the benefits and positive changes with the way our students represent our school and engage with the wider Port Stephens community.

“This was demonstrated in the best possible way last week at Showcase, an annual event held during Education Week involving the Lakeside Community of Schools, hosted, and produced by Irrawang High School CAPA Faculty over two nights to sellout crowds.

“The event encompasses choirs, dance, drama, drum corps, musical ensembles, musical theatre, rock bands and vocal soloists, and fosters and nurtures confidence and promotes student growth.”

This week’s PBL nominees

– Irrawang Public School student Lucas Atcheson was nominated because he is a helpful and kind student that is always willing to assist younger students and staff.

He represents Irrawang with pride outside of school and shows respect everywhere to everyone.

– Raymond Terrace Public School student Preston Price was nominated because he has engaged with the Pen Pal program, meeting seniors in our community through this.

He has grown in confidence to carry the conversation to allow the seniors to remember and share their experiences.
This gave them much joy.

– Kyson Bradbury of Grahamstown Public School was nominated for being attentive to PBL lessons, always reminding others of the weekly focus and ensuring that he strives to uphold the expectations himself.

He will remember previous PBL lessons, often discussing them while in the playground with peers.

– Ryah Coates of Irrawang High School was nominated by Mrs Mathieson for supporting students from Irrawang
Primary to get to their holding rooms safely at Showcase.

– Michella Goodwin of Hunter River High School was nominated for organising an ongoing fundraiser to support the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary.

She has organised a school event to support this fundraising drive.

– Myka Deal of Salt Ash Public School was nominated for displaying outstanding sportsmanship when competing in the Northern NSW NAIDOC Cup.

She always represents her school with pride and gives 100 percent effort when competing in team sports.

– Medowie Public School’s Owen Humble was nominated for demonstrating the expectation of being responsible.

He was an excellent host to special guests during a special Sorry Day morning tea.

– Sophie Taylor of Seaham Public School was nominated for being a responsible student who ensures that sports equipment is collected and packed away after the morning play session.

– Liam Hancock Crane of Karuah Public School was nominated for being such a kind, caring, considerate and helpful friend on many occasions.

In particular, helping a classmate set up for morning work and lending his headphones to a classmate who was frightened during a thunderstorm at school.

The NOTA congratulates all this week’s PBL award nominees.


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