Positive Behaviour for Learning Port POPUP - DAupdate Port Stephens Port Stephens News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 12, 2023 This week’s Positive Behaviour for Learning award nominees at MarketPlace Raymond Terrace. THE Positive Behaviour for Learning Program (PBL) works to instil citizenship and caring into the school community, traits students then take with them into the world. Craig Partridge, Principal of Seaham Public School told News Of The Area, “Seaham Public School continues to use PBL as a positive framework for teaching students positive behaviour in all settings. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au “Students are currently showing safe behaviour with a focus on moving safely around the school. “Students are rewarded with a token when they are observed walking on hard surfaces. “A whole school reward will be achieved when we reach the token level on our PBL container. “Students vote on their reward which may include a disco, additional play time or an additional sports activity,” Mr Partridge said. The PBL Program recognises that not every student will excel in sport or academia. For those that prove to be kind and community driven citizens, the PBL awards fill a gap in recognition. The nominees this week are well deserving, all having demonstrated PBL values. – Irrawang Public School student Lilly Bettini was nominated for supporting younger students. She assisted kindergarten students to follow our school expectations during NAIDOC Day celebrations which was a great help to teachers. – Raymond Terrace Public School’s Oliver O’Brien was nominated for his inclusion of other students in playground games – not just letting them play but helping them to play. – Skylar Williams of Grahamstown Public School was nominated because she is always taking part in community events and celebrating different cultures. – Irrawang High School’s Olivia Ray was nominated for demonstrating wonderful leadership as Junior AECG President. – Xanthiah Roach of Hunter River High School was nominated for her outstanding leadership in Wongagee Dance. – Salt Ash Public School student Harlow Turner was nominated for supporting a new student by showing her around the school. Harlow can always be relied upon to be kind and caring towards other students. – Medowie Public School’s Braxton Jones was nominated for his responsible and courageous actions. Braxton assisted a community member who was being harassed when walking her dog by other dogs in the neighbourhood. He raced to assist to keep her and the dog safe. – Seaham Public School’s Stevie Lilley was nominated for being a quiet achiever who volunteers most of her lunchtimes to care for the school garden. Stevie works well with others and shows responsibility and leadership. – Karuah Public School’s Lachlan Mozetic was nominated for his integrity and responsibility. When Lachlan found a wallet in the local IGA carpark, he handed it in and it was returned to the rightful owner. The NOTA congratulates all of this week’s PBL award recipients. By Marian SAMPSON