Port Stephens residents invited to participate in road safety research

PORT Stephens residents are being invited to participate in a study aimed at improving road safety.

The Community Action for Safe Speeds (CASS) study is being led by researchers from The University of NSW and is supported by Port Stephens Council.

Mayor Leah Anderson said this is an excellent opportunity for the community to be part of the solution to encourage safe driving speeds in their area.

“We’re excited to be collaborating with the George Institute for Global Health and the University of New South Wales to launch this innovative research initiative,” Mayor Anderson said.

“Over a four-week period, the community jury will listen to expert presentations on speeding and road safety, deliberate on what they’ve learned, and provide suggestions from a community perspective.

“It’s about giving our community the opportunity to contribute to decision-making by creating a set of recommendations for local education and awareness initiatives to be tested in their area – all aimed at reducing speeding and keeping road users safe,” Mayor Anderson added.

Eligibility requires participants to be 18 years or older, be able to commit to four meetings, be comfortable speaking English, and live, work, or frequently drive through Port Stephens.

The George Institute will pay jury members to cover time and expenses during participation.

“You don’t need to have experience or be qualified to participate – so I encourage our community to register now and contribute to enhancing road safety through research participation,” Mayor Anderson added.

The first jury meeting is scheduled for Thursday 31 October.

For more information and to register your interest visit pscouncil.info/cass-study-eoi

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