Port Stephens residents are promising themselves more for less in 2019

Jacki Ashpole.
Jacki Ashpole.


NEW year new you, was the catch cry of the past few years.

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2019 is more about simplifying and self care.

News Of The Area took to the streets to hear exactly what Port Stephens residents are promising themselves for the new year.

Jacki Ashpole said, “My intention for 2019 is to create a simpler life, not be tied down with time consuming things that just cause undue stress.”

“So we are going to minimise our family and business life.”

Port Stephens resident, Leanne MacKenzie said, “Have less, do more.”

“This has been my life motto for a number of years now.”

“Every year I consider what I would love to experience the coming year and for me this year it is pleasure.”

Summa Trappel said, “My 2019 will involve more timely departures from the office, return of my consistent early morning routine and a cooking class of some description.”

Tanilba Bay resident, Melanie Innes said, “My personal promise is to be more balanced in my life.”

“Dedicating as much time to the things that make me happy as I do to my work.”

Elizabeth Keeley said, “I am looking forward to accepting new challenges and adventures and visiting new places.”

Jacquie Stokes said, “After a tough 2018, our 2019 New Years Resolution is all about family.”

“We devote so much of our time to work that we often don’t have time to cherish those special moments at home.”

“2019 starts with a new family home and with that we will be spending more time at home and with our loved ones, and friends we call family.”

Skyla Conlon said, “I want to make sure I brush my teeth morning and night!”

Samantha Conlon said, “I’m going to read more!”

We spend so much of our time doing things to keep everyone else around us calm or happy.

So whether your new year’s resolution is to get out more, unplug or simply spend more time doing less.

Make 2019 the year of keeping your personal promise.


By Kelly MAY


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