IT was a little hard to recognise Port Stephens resident David Everingham behind the mask on the NBN TV news recently.

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Mr Everingham had just disembarked from a flight from Melbourne and was notified that he was to spend the next two weeks in isolation.
It was the second time around for the businessman, who had been caught up in the first round of lockdowns when the NSW – Victorian border was shut due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Both times he tested negative but the stringent rules insisted that he self isolate.
We asked him what it was like to be housebound for a total of four weeks.
“I was lucky in being able to do much of my work from home,” Mr Everingham said.
“To keep my mind active, I practised my guitar but to be truthful it was a very boring experience I would not like to go through again,” he said.
He is now out of lockdown but does not relish the thought of going to Sydney in the near future for work commitments.
Mr Everingham said,“With Tilligerry being COVID -19 free we just don’t realize how lucky we are.”