Port Stephens’ islands the focus of new exhibition at Nelson Bay Visitor Centre

THE Tomaree Museum Association has announced the staging of a new exhibition at the Port Stephens Visitor Centre in Nelson Bay from 14 March.

Titled “Islands of Port Stephens”, the exhibition will showcase the geology, fauna, flora and history of the outer islands as well as identifying the 20 islands inside Port Stephens.

Supporting this exhibition will be talks by retired geologist Neil Fraser, who will explain the formation and evolution of the area.

Neil’s presentations will be held at 2pm Tuesday 25 March and 8 April, and early booking is advised.

Children can attend the exhibition to read the story of Clarabelle the floating cow or to learn about the lives of seahorses.

On display will be a spectacularly enlarged 3D model of a nudibranch (a beautifully coloured sea slug) produced by local sculptor Matt Johnstone.

For further information, call Doug Cross on 0432 058 000.

By Simon EKINS

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