Port Stephens gets ready for Holiday Time with road safety campaign

Council’s Road Safety and Traffic Officer Lisa Lovegrove (middle), Little Blue Dinosaur founder Michelle McLaughlin (right) and Mayor Ryan Palmer (far right).
Council’s Road Safety and Traffic Officer Lisa Lovegrove (middle), Little Blue Dinosaur founder Michelle McLaughlin (right) and Mayor Ryan Palmer (far right).


FOLLOWING the successful 2018 launch of the Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation’s ‘Holiday Time; Slow Down, Kids Around’ signage campaign, Port Stephens Council will once again be joining the push to help ensure the safety of children on our roads these school holidays.

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School holiday periods create a surge in the population where thousands of children will be using local roadways over the December/January holiday period. ‘Holiday Time; Slow Down, Kids Around’ is a highly visible and timely reminder about the importance of road safety, for both residents and visitors alike to be more aware of the increase in pedestrian activity in our area, and to stay vigilant with their road safety awareness.

Mayor Ryan Palmer says this campaign is an important one for Port Stephens, as it is a popular holiday destination for families.

“Port Stephens Council is proud to again partner with Little Blue Dinosaur to keep kids safe these Christmas holidays,” Mayor Palmer said.

“We know this time of year is a busy one with visitors flocking to Port Stephens, so it’s an important time to remind people to drive safely and watch out for kids.

“These brightly coloured signs are a reminder to slow down if you’re driving, and if you’re near a road, be sure to hold your child’s hand,” he said.

The ‘Holiday Time’ campaign was established in 2014 on the Central Coast by the Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation, after the tragic death of Tom McLaughlin in a pedestrian accident during a family holiday. The campaign is now in 39 councils across four states in Australia.

Tom’s parents, Michelle and David, founded the Little Blue Dinosaur and now channel their energy into making the school holidays safer for children by working with local councils to ensure community safety during these peak periods when accidents are increasingly occurring.

“Holiday destinations are most often a new and unfamiliar environment for children and their families with key visual roadway differences including lack of kerbs/guttering, no line markings or footpaths. Parents must have a conversation with their children and go through how they are expected to behave when they’re in this environment,” said Michelle.

With a staggering 874 people killed on Australian roads alone already in 2018, amongst those young children, it’s now more important than ever to promote the pedestrian road safety message.

“We are excited to be working with Port Stephens Council again this year to continue this vital children’s’ road safety campaign. We must be extra vigilant when there are so many additional children about these school holidays and always remember to hold hands with our children until the age of 10. Having this important conversation with your children will insure that everyone, residents and visitors alike, will have an enjoyable and safe holiday season,” continued Michelle.

The ‘Holiday Time’ signage can be found in Nelson Bay, Little Beach, Fly Point, Shoal Bay and Fingal Bay.

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