Port Stephens Council to support use of Electric Vehicles in the region

PORT Stephens is supporting the NSW Government’s Electric Vehicle Strategy.

In the recent Council meeting on 27 September, Councillor Chris Doohan raised a notice of motion surrounding the lack of public Electric Vehicle charging stations, recognising that Electric Vehicles are becoming prominent in the area for both local residents and visitors.

Cr Doohan’s motion was unanimously supported, requesting the Council to support the NSW Government’s Electric Vehicle Strategy whilst asking the General Manager to prepare a report identifying local planning and infrastructure responses that can be undertaken to support the delivery of the Strategy.

The NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy is the NSW Government’s plan to accelerate the State’s vehicle fleet of the future.

Council Strategy and Environment Section Manager, Brock Lamont, said the Strategy outlines the government’s commitments to increasing the uptake of electric vehicles to ensure New South Wales shares in the benefits.

“Through the Strategy, the NSW Government is targeting key areas of action to make New South Wales the easiest place to buy and use an Electric Vehicle in Australia,” Mr Lamont said.

“The Strategy includes rebates, phased removal of stamp duty for Electric Vehicles, targets for NSW Government fleet, incentives for council and private fleets and major investment to ensure widespread, world-class Electric Vehicles charging coverage.”

It is intended to increase sales of Electric Vehicles to 52 percent by 2030–2031 and help New South Wales achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Mr Lamont says the NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy also aligns with Council’s Community Strategic Plan actions in several ways.


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