Port Stephens Council clarifies rules for dogs on beach

A dog enjoying off-lead time at one of Port Stephens Beaches. Photo by Marian Sampson.

CONCERNS have been raised over the clarity of signage at Boat Harbour and Birubi beaches regarding how and when dogs can be exercised on and off lead.

Port Stephens Council’s Community Assets Coordinator, Clinton Bridge, told News Of The Area, “Following community consultation in 2020 and 2021, Council endorsed the rules at Birubi Beach Reserve and Boat Harbour.

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“The implementation of dog on and off lead areas aligns with Port Stephens Councils’ strategic priority to provide civil and community infrastructure to support the community,” he said.

“At Birubi Beach: From October to April dogs are allowed off lead between 5pm to 9am and from May to September dogs are allowed off lead at all times.

“Dogs are permitted on the beach, on lead at all times, but not within 100m of the beach patrol areas.”
At Boat Harbour similar rules apply.

“From October to April (peak season) dogs are allowed on lead between 5pm and 9am but are prohibited outside of these hours and from May to September (off peak season) dogs are allowed on and off-lead at all times.

“Following recent reports of confusion and visitors not following the rules, Council will be creating and installing seasonal signage at each location, outlining the specific rules for the period.”

The rules for all dog parks, including beaches, can be found at www.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/services/dog-parks.


2 thoughts on “Port Stephens Council clarifies rules for dogs on beach

  1. what a complete joke, all the locals are furious over these rules. The majority of locals own dogs and loved having an off leash. council changing the rules is nothing more than cash grab enabling them to hand out fines. iIm yet to meet a single person who is happy with these laws. Shame on port stephen’s council, just an example of council serving themselves instead of the community

  2. Port Stephen’s council is a joke! let’s make the rules as vague as possible on a beach locals have loved bringing their dogs to for decades so we can hand out fines

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