Port Stephens Community Arts Centre Feature Artist Quiller Wendy Lane

Wendy Lane with some of her quilling.
Wendy Lane with some of her quilling.


THE Port Stephens Community Arts Centre feature artist until 16 April is Wendy Lane.

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Wendy was born in South Australia and moved to Port Stephens in 1999.

Wendy Lane told News of the Area, “At school I had no artistic ability and no interest in developing creative skills!”

In the early 2000’s Wendy tried her hand at Quilling along with lots of other crafts which resulted in boxes of rejected craft supplies.

Towards the end of 2015 Wendy had the idea of making a Quilled Christmas card for a friend after seeing a Poinsettia flower at Bunnings.

She referred to the internet for inspiration and found Quilling is a reborn craft and was amazed to see what other people around the world were creating.

Floral cards were just the beginning.

Wendy has developed her own Quilling techniques using modern tools which are more ergonomic. Wendy has several favourite pieces which she enjoys sharing with friends and family many items have also been created as donations for fundraisers.

One recently was a Koala sitting on a branch and was part of the Christmas raffle prize for The Port Stephens Koala Rescue.

Another was a large piece for the South Australian Outback Odyssey which was auctioned and raised $400 for the Royal Flying Doctors Service.

Wendy is inspired by nature and things around her, she studies objects, takes a photo recreates the photo by transforming many curled up pieces of paper!

Special items she has made are a London Landscape, a Lamp Post from Southsea in the south of England where her son lives and a portrait of her Black and White Cat “Chester” who died last year aged 21 ½ human years.

Wendy has recently discovered paper flower making and again is amazed by what others are creating.

Giant flowers and Flower Walls are fabulous decorations for weddings and events. Wendy loves learning how to create beautiful, colourful flowers.

Discovering new techniques ignites my creative spirit which enjoys being nurtured.



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