Port Stephens Community Arts Centre Crafters Collaborate in Isolation on Flotsam and Jetsam

Some of the Pieces that will become the stories within the final Flotsam and Jetsam Work.


THE Port Stephens Community Arts Centre usually sees members come together to create.

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COVID-19 and Social Distancing has seen the Fusion Group complete their work together online.

The Fusion group began working on a collective project for our Community Art Centre entitled Flotsam and Jetsam.

Meryl Miller told News Of The Area, “The task was to use 5cm squares of felt; in blue / green hues, add embellishments with threads, yarns, fabrics and found objects.

The work could be done by the crafters by hand or machine.

“There were no restrictions on what the finished piece can look like . . . participants were just encouraged to take it as far as their imagination would take them.”

Eventually these squares will be assembled to make one large display installation.

“The final description is being kept under wraps – partly to create suspense and interest, but also, as with most Fusion concepts, the finished product often evolves throughout the process of construction.

“Having a group of creative people working together, it’s often surprising how one idea can spark a different inspiration in another person’s mind,” she said.

While continuing to create in isolation the centres fusion group are keeping the following motivational thoughts in mind.

When the work is complete none of the contributing members will own it, yet it will be available to all.

As with many collaborative works it can be viewed as a whole each piece in the work will be seen as a story waiting to be told.

The phrase flotsam and jetsam was originally used to describe things that were washed onto the shore from the sea.

Because of the current enforced isolation limits, the crafters are all diligently working at home at present.

However they are looking forward to the time that we can once again congregate at the Art Centre, and begin assembling this work.




A photo from the start of the project before social distancing was required or the Centre shut for classes and workshops crafters Di Adamson, Sheila Francis and Kim Withers working on Flotsam and Jetsam.

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