Port Stephens business leaders connect to discuss communication, compassionate leadership Port Stephens Port Stephens News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 14, 2022 Craig Hopper addressing the business community on the topic of compassionate leadership. Photo: Marian Sampson. AROUND 100 members of the Port Stephens business community came together to learn about communication and compassionate leadership last week. The free event was a joint effort organised by Port Stephens Women In Business, Business Port Stephens and Port Stephens Council. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au Guest speakers spoke on a range of subject matter including giving examples of when communication goes wrong being turned around and leading to a positive impact on business. Fiona Brown of Port Stephens Women In Business led an interactive meet and greet session where attendees had the opportunity to sharpen their elevator pitches as well as facilitating a Q & A Panel at the conclusion of the guest presentations. While the topics were diverse the mental health of workers was highlighted and so too was what small businesses can do to help staff who are struggling. Presenters noted the ability of small businesses to access the Beyond Blue NewAccess for Small Business Owners, a guided self-help mental health coaching program. The program is free, confidential and convenient. Small business owners can access the program nationally by phone or video call, no GP referral is required. Guest speaker Craig Hopper spoke about compassionate leadership. Mr Hopper learnt to lead this way after his wife suffered a serious medical incident, leading to a change of roles for himself as he became not only a husband and a father but a carer in his family. Mr Hopper also spoke about recent changes in our workplaces and our lives. “The world has changed so leadership has to change too. “That old model of top down autocratic leadership doesn’t work anymore. “People want more than just work for pay. “They want to understand how work enriches their life experience.” “The best leaders create a positive work culture based on growth, purpose and support,” he said. Tammy Howell spoke of how a bad headline saw her business flourish and her focus change from delivering group health presentations to that of an author. Concerns raised by business owners at the event included the amount of time that workers are taking off sick post- COVID-19 and how to address where their responsibilities lie in relation to their employees’ mental health. By Marian SAMPSON Craig Hopper and Port Stephens Women In Business past President Fiona Brown. Photo: Marian Sampson. The panel was led by local Fiona Brown. Photo: Marian Sampson.