Port Stephens Archers to benefit from NSW Government sports grant

State MP Kate Washington and Port Stephens Archers president Neville Spence display a new target at the club’s grounds in Salt Ash.

THE future of Port Stephens Archers (PSA) looks assured after the small club secured much needed funding from the NSW Local Sport Grants Program.

In a major boost, the club’s 30 members will benefit from the acquisition of new targets that will hold the organisation in good stead for years to come.

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Since their inception in 2019, the Port Stephens Archers have primarily been using donated 3D targets and rejects from other local clubs.

To compete successfully in this 3D sport one must be able to visualise the target zones at which to aim your arrows.

The sub-standard targets do not allow for this.

Additionally, the targets are needing constant repairs and are exceedingly difficult to pull arrows from, making local archers reluctant to attend and join the group.

PSA President Neville Spence told News Of The Area that the new targets were “desperately needed” to guarantee the club’s immediate future.

“By obtaining these new targets we hope to grow our membership base enough to hold a weekend shoot that may be attended by archers from all over NSW as well as from Queensland and Victoria,” quipped Spence.

“With the current drive to get our youth out and about from the house, archery provides a great way for the family to enjoy the fresh air,” Neville added.

All abilities are catered for and the relatively flat grounds allow access for most.

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington was invited to the club grounds at Salt Ash last weekend to shoot the first target.

“It was great to see Port Stephens Archers in action and a heap of fun having a go,” Ms Washington exclaimed.

“The club has put the NSW Government Sport Grant funding to good use, increasing the activities and participation at the club already,” she said.

“With skillful coaching and advice on hand, even I was able to hit the target!

“I encourage anyone interested in archery to get involved.”

Port Stephens Archers shoot on Sunday mornings roughly once a month.

Contact can be made via their website: https://www.portstephensarchers.com.au/

By Chris KARAS

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