Port Macquarie-Hastings’ second-hand sellers and shoppers among state’s best

Householders can pre-register now if they want to be a part of the trail. Photo: supplied.

BARGAIN hunters and de-clutterers across the Camden Haven are among the state’s best, according to the results of last November’s Garage Sale Trail.

They show that the Port Macquarie-Hastings is leading the charge when it comes to a circular economy, with more than 22,700 items re-homed in the annual second-hand shopping spree.

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That amounts to a staggering 13 tonnes and an estimated savings of $282,000.

The Local Government Area (LGA) was just behind the Central Coast on the leaderboard, while NSW was the best-performing state.

The Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) Executive Director of Programs and Innovation, Alexandra Geddes, has congratulated those in the region who took part.

“This data shows how the seemingly small act of choosing second-hand delivers powerful economic, environmental and social benefits,” she said.

“Thirteen tonnes of items have been saved from ending up in landfill thanks to the Port Macquarie-Hastings community embracing re-use.

“The average… garage sale organiser [in the LGA] took home $519.”

The EPA said Council’s support was critical to the success of the event.

This year’s Garage Sale Trail takes place over the weekends of November 8-9 and 15-16.

Registrations open in September but householders can pre-register now by going to garagesaletrail.com.au.


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