Porcelain painters display fine skills in Laurieton

Mid North Coast Porcelain Painters Association members Dianne Holyman, Anne Butel and Deirdre Fewell.

EARLIER this month the Mid North Coast Porcelain Painters Association held an exhibition of their work at the Laurieton United Services Club.

“The display included a variety of styles and subjects,” said Dianne Holyman.

“Four members of the group belong to the Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Association (APAT) and two of these are justifiably among the top Australian porcelain artists.”

At monthly meetings the group explores the many styles and techniques possible in porcelain painting.

“Individuality and creativity is encouraged so that works are unique,” Dianne said.

“Because the blanks painted on are quite varied in shape and the technique chosen for painting on it, it leads to a most interesting exhibition.”

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