AN 86-year-old cyclist has celebrated his birthday aboard his bike, in a pedalling party of friends.
Dressed in high-viz lycra, the Dorrigo, Urunga, Bellingen Bicycle User Group’s (DUBBUG) very own “Poppy John” enjoyed a birthday ride that included a stop off for morning tea where his wife Pam joined in.

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“Only four years ‘til 90,” said John, who is still spinning his wheels and showing no signs of slowing down.
DUBBUG has a special chapter for its growing number of over-80s members.
They are among riders who cycle twice a week for training rides, each around 40kms long.
Sunday’s social rides are generally split into two separate groups to allow for skill, difficulty, and the option to start from locations other than Urunga.
“With the advent of e-bikes we are seeing many of our older group continue to cycle on even the more challenging rides, which is great to see and just shows age is no barrier for this healthy sport,” Club President Rayner Janzen told News Of The Area.
John first started cycling in his late 60s, aged around 67 years.
His story is a shining example of how cycling isn’t bound by age; it’s an activity with profound health benefits that can start, and continue, at any stage of life.
The cornerstone of community-based bike user groups such as DUBBUG is inclusivity, encouraging healthier lifestyles and greater community connection through planned rides, with trained ride leaders.
Research consistently highlights the physical and mental health advantages of regular cycling.
“For many, the social side of cycling plays a critical role in combating loneliness, offering both companionship and purpose, all which improve mental health and wellbeing,” said Professor Myfanwy Maple, who is the Director of Manna Institute and also a DUBBUG member.
“There is a very strong evidence base that demonstrates that as we age, those who participate in regular group activities, especially physical ones, experience improved cognitive function, reduced risk of chronic illness, and a stronger sense of belonging.
“All of these are important for quality of life and longevity.”
Anyone interested in being part of a DUBBUG ride, either as a visitor or a local, can go to dubbug.org.au for timings and locations.
DUBBUG is affiliated with Bicycle NSW.