4 thoughts on “More POLLS to view

  1. The CBD at Nelson Bay is almost dead during the low season then why start building high rises when there is no people coming during that period and where do you propose people parking will be as we witnessed recently they were parking all over the street. It is not a viable solution look at the Gold Coast more crime and substance at least we have here the most calming effect and no pollution so to speak. Just one more thing it would be better for the council to fix the pot holes appearing specially the large one at Donald Street it was not a very good idea just to spread bitumen without doing the cementing first it is an accident waiting to happen soon and guess who is going to pay. The Council and if you don’t believe just go and drive slowly up the hill and you will see it is getting bigger. At times it boggles the intelligence that the little things which needs doing are ignored and if there is any money coming from developers the Council jump on hands and knees to place them. The CBD is dead only because the rent is high and if you have to pay say $160,000 for a sho for one year you might as well pay it for a house. I rest my case the rent is the back breaker there is no management skills whatsoever in the CBD.

  2. Council chambers should be transferred to port Stevens area
    Bike track should be completed along the water front
    Of Shoal Bay,with a board walk at the narrow section

  3. Port Stephens Council has ignored our community, and continues to ignore us, so it doesn’t matter what we say in the media. However, we need to remember who said what, and who voted to waste our money with the exorbitant SRV, LEVY, of 10% per year over 7 years, and then REMAIN IN PERPETUITY. Our Council wastes our money. We are already paying a 3% Drainage Levy, which has been hidden in Council’s annual Budget Report. Our shopping centres need to be improved by the property owners, as has happened in a past levy. Our sporting fields are second-to-none, as witnessed on Sunday, 3rd February. Our roads need to be improved by engineers and staff who know their jobs, as every public survey has the No. 1 request for better and safer roads.

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