PMBH one of the first to receive ED nursing boost

NURSING staff have welcomed news that Port Macquarie Base Hospital will become one of the first in regional NSW to roll out new Safe Staffing levels.

The boost will see more staff in the hospital’s emergency department with recruitment underway to fill thirteen new positions.

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Numbers will be based on a one-to-one nursing care ratio for generally occupied ED resuscitation beds on all shifts, and one nurse to three generally occupied ED treatment spaces and short-stay unit beds on all shifts.

The new levels will occur in phases over the next three years.

Nursing and Midwives Association General Secretary, Michael Whaites, said while it was pleasing to see regional hospitals included early in the statewide roll out, members were frustrated by the slow implementation.

“Right across NSW, the public health system is struggling to recruit and retain the staff it needs to operate our hospitals due to poor pay and unbearable workloads,” he said in a media statement.

“As a result, many skilled and experienced clinicians are leaving the profession.”

Member for Port Macquarie Leslie Williams said the announcement was welcome news “considering the consistent increase in presentations at Port Macquarie Base Hospital”.

“We know that in the 2023/24 financial year, there were over 51,000 presentations to the ED and therefore increasing staffing levels is a necessary response.

“The nursing and medical staff do an incredible job in often challenging and stressful situations.”


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