Planning versus politics, one councillor’s concerns

DEAR News Of The Area,

APART from the fact that councillors are supposedly not entitled to represent council by giving press interviews, the items debated at the council meeting on Thursday, which were the subject of interviews provided by councillors

Judge and Cassell, do need to be put into context.

Firstly, there is no way council can buy the land at the Jetty because of many reasons, I will name a couple.

a) The decision at the meeting – voted on 5 for, 4 against – is to investigate the possibility;

b) The land is not for sale;

c) It has no price tag;

d) The idea does not appear in any strategic future plan and;

e) there is a revitalisation plan for this land, government administered, community consulted, progressing as we speak.

Next, in relation to a ‘Great Koala National Park’:

a) The state government commitment for this is firstly to determine, scientifically, if this is a good move for koalas;

b) Where this could be, how big it might be, how it could be set up, when it could happen, are all subject to research;

c) The notion that this will happen is best described as an idea;

d) This is not budget-approved by our state government.

Finally, it is not helpful to our community when we have two councillors, both declaring they are on council representing political parties – Tony Judge (Labor), Jonathon Cassell (Greens) – promoting political policy, on behalf of their political parties, whilst wearing their councillor hats.

In my opinion council has presented to the community a severely pruned-back, budgeted programme for capital expenditure over the next few years.

It appears our operational side of the budget is not going to fall into deficit, which was where it was headed.
As has been reported, numerous council staff are no longer employed by council, and so it is only reasonable to suggest that our remaining staff will be under pressure to provide levels of service previously experienced.

Every time council decides to spend money, outside of the budget, every time council calls for reports or asks staff to investigate something, pressure is put on our finances and on our staff.

If there is a plan, stick to it.

If there is a budget, stick to it.

If acceptable service from council staff is expected, councillors should stop loading them up with a whole lot of extra work.

Coffs Harbour City Councillor,
Rodger PRICE.

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