Pindimar/Tea Gardens RFS receive new flags via Lyne MP

The tattered old flag had been at the mercy of the weather for too long.

NATIONAL pride has been renewed at the Pindimar/Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service (RFS), after receiving new flags courtesy of Dr David Gillespie MP on Friday, 15 December.

As the old flag flapped fitfully in the gusty afternoon wind, its ragged tendrils were silent testament to the whimsical weather conditions with which the RFS volunteers regularly contend.

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Dr David Gillespie, Federal Member for Lyne, took the opportunity to deliver the flags personally at the RFS Tea Gardens Station.

“Everyone appreciates what the RFS does, but not all, especially visitors from Sydney, may know as well,” Dr Gillespie told the assembled Pindimar/Tea Gardens Brigade members.

“On behalf of all who’ve had their homes saved, thank you, and I hope you have a quiet summer.”

Brigade Captain David Bright was realistic about the coming summer fire season, having personally led four volunteers to assist at the Wards River fire north of Stroud on Tuesday 12 December, and a second detachment returning just before Friday’s flags ceremony.

“We have, thankfully, increased our membership this year, with 23 active members now, including two new female members, and we need to upgrade our facilities, so we are seeking funds to expand the station to allow for separate amenities, and some basic laundry and locker space,” Captain Bright said.

Dr Gillespie advised that the RFS should keep up its local fundraising, and also start seeking grants from State and Federal mixed sources via the ‘Grant Guru’ link on his website.

“We aggregate grants information in the ‘Gillespie Grant Finder’, and the RFS should register on the site.”

When queried by Dr Gillespie regarding the status of the current facility, Captain Bright explained, “Local Council actually owns the building, even though it was built by the community originally.

“We have a great relationship with the local Clubs, including a Charity Golf Day at Hawks Nest Golf Club and the Pig Races at Tea Gardens Country Club,” Captain Bright added.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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