Pictures Give Words Enhanced Meaning When Friends Collaborate

Alina Loneck (L) and Sandra Wood have collaborated to add extra meaning to Alina’s stories


Alina Loneck relocated from Sydney’s Northern Beaches to Coffs Harbour five years ago.

She told News Of The Area, “I wrote stories from a young age and, once I retired, I had time to pursue my passion for writing again”.

Alina has an Honours Degree in Psychology and English Literature, has been a member of Coffs Harbour Writers and has attended a number of writers’ workshops across the Coffs Coast.

She decided to forgo workshops and find her own way with writing.

Alina said, “A fellow writer who read my stories said she felt I had arrived as a writer, so I decided to take on the challenge of writing a collection and publishing it”.

After adding more stories to complete ‘Within Sunshine and Shadow’ (a collection of short stories and a novella) Alina wanted to add artwork before publishing.

She knew it had to be done by Sandra Wood, her friend from Adventure Girls, a local women’s exercise group.

Sandra has lived in the Coffs Harbour area for twenty-seven years and, as a member of the Sawtell art group for thirteen years, she has exhibited at Sawtell, the Coffs Harbour Showgrounds and Bellingen.

According to Sandra, “Alina wanted pen and ink drawings to capture the essence of each story”.

“Alina knew what she wanted for each image – to intrigue and not to reveal its relevance till the reader finishes the story”, she added.

Alina said, “The stories in ‘Within Sunshine and Shadow’ present the three kinds of people we all come
across in life: those who will change our life, those who will harm our life and those who will be our life.”

Alina and Sandra are keen to share their journey with other writers and artists and plans are underway to make this happen early in the New Year.

Alina’s book is available online (Kindle eBook and paperback) and through The Book Warehouse, Coffs Harbour and the Sawtell Newsagency.


By Andrew VIVIAN

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