Phil Cross, Shoal Bay says AVO’s are a bias system

In a society that screams for women’s rights and equality, men’s cries to have valuable time with their children after a relationship breakdown, are often drowned out.

At a time when we hear the words, domestic violence and AVO thrown around classing men as ‘the enemy’, there are innocent men caught up in the throes of the protests and hate.

These men are Fathers, innocent and yet treated as if they are guilty of a crime they have not committed.

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The first arrow of attack comes in the form of an AVO.
Mr Phil Cross, a resident of Shoal Bay has had enough of what he calls “the biased” system.

“My former partner put a false AVO (apprehended violence order) on me, which cost me $7,500 in Solicitor fees to defend,” Phil Cross told Bay News Of The Area.

“When I asked the police had they seen the proof of her allegations, they told me that they didn’t need to see any proof, and that I had to defend the charges in court,” Mr Cross added.

Mr Cross is considered one of the ‘lucky ones’ having had his case dismissed, with no reimbursement for his Solicitors costs nor was his former partner fined for lying on her affidavit.

Hickey and Cumine’s survey of 68 NSW magistrates concerning apprehended violence orders (AVO) found that 90% agreed that AVOs were sought as a tactic to aid their case in order to deprive a former partner of contact with the children.

The Child Support Agency noted that their contact and dealings with clients struggling with child access issues, combined with the heavy financial burden of child support contributed to the suicide rate of many of their clients.

Bay News Of The Area was inundated with phone calls concerning this subject on our first report.

By Jewell DRURY

One thought on “Phil Cross, Shoal Bay says AVO’s are a bias system

  1. It is common knowledge.CSA know exactly what they are responsible for.when you ask them they freely admit this and tell you to seek legal advice.I work.I do not qualify for legal aid. $1250.00 per solicitor visit.I asked csa how i can be expected to live beyond my means and I was told it was MY OWN FAULT FOR BUYING A HOUSE. ……How dare I .W.TF….. My kids will get the house IF I ever own it.yet x drags my son all over the country so I cannot see solicitor helped her change his last name from my family name because I DO NOT MAKE THE EFFORT. Thanks csa for assisting her and others to destroy lives.

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