THIS week MidCoast Council advised the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (HNTGPA) that the footpath linking the Peter Sinclair Gardens Seniors Home to the Hawks Nest shopping centre on Tuloa Avenue is on track for delivery this year.
The HNTGPA has been lobbying for this much needed footpath for many years to improve safe and inclusive access to shops and services for our community.

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The new footpath will also support people using walkers and scooters, as well as bike riders and joggers of all ages.
Bruce Murray, President, welcomed the update, stating, “The Peter Sinclair footpath has been a clear community need for over ten years and the delays to date very frustrating for some.
“The HNTGPA continues to advocate for this and improved footpaths across our villages and this will be a good outcome for all.
“We have received written confirmation from the MCC that the works will comment this financial year.
“The Committee will continue to advocate to improve our village.
“This is a good start, however the HNTGPA is concerned that people using mobility scooters or walkers still need to use the roads in some places, which is unsafe.”
The Peter Sinclair and most other local footpath and access needs were documented in the MCC Pedestrian Access and Management Plan (PAMP) in 2021.
The development of the PAMP included consultation with the community as well as input from local service and volunteer groups.
The PAMP outlines a number of local requirements including the following:
• Upgrade to the Singing Bridge (safer access and egress for pedestrians).
• Improved and safer access between Winda Woppa and Hawks Nest.
• General lack of connecting cycle and footpaths across the villages (Myall Quays, Skate Park, Marine Drive, local churches, clubs, shops, etc)
To support the HNTGPA contact HNTGProgress@gmail.com.
The new footpath will link RSL Lifecare Peter Sinclair Gardens to the Hawks Nest Shopping area, taking pedestrians off the road.