Peak body calls for government to help flooded NSW farmers

Myall Coast farms have been flooded several times in the past twelve months.

NSW FARMERS is asking the state and federal governments to urgently release funds to help flooded farmers.

NSW Farmers Rural Affairs Committee Chair Garry Grant said farmers in the Sydney basin, Central Coast, Hunter, and South Coast had been flooded several times in the past twelve months, with many looking at a whole year without any income at all.

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He said the state and federal governments had stepped up for farmers in the Northern Rivers earlier this year and called for that model of funding to be replicated.

“This has been a devastating time for these farmers and their communities, and we know that the impact of flooding extends beyond the cleanup to repairs, replanting and restarting businesses,” Mr Grant said.

“Earlier this year rural landholders in the state’s flood-affected north were offered $25,000 grants while primary producers were eligible for $75,000 grants.

“It’s critical we keep these farmers in business because they grow a lot of food and turf and drive a lot of economic activity.”

Mr Grant thanked the state and federal governments for listening and engaging with NSW Farmers on how to support farmers during this tough time.

NSW Farmers has been actively lobbying the state and federal governments for support for flood-affected communities over the past twelve months and has been working constructively with agencies to ensure farmers and communities get the help and financial support they need.

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