Paul Whittlemore receives OAM for community service in Port Stephens

Paul Whittemore at a recent U3A event.

SHOAL Bay resident Paul Whittemore has received an OAM for “service to the community of Port Stephens” this year.

Whittemore, who is about to celebrate his 90th birthday, is looking forward to becoming a nonagenarian.

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Paul received the honour for his services which included setting up the University of the Third Age (U3A) in Port Stephens.

He believes that the honour is a great tribute to the U3A.

Paul Whittemore told News Of The Area, “I gave my first talk at Port Stephens U3A in September 1995 and I was still going in 2022.”

His current contributions to the U3A classes are now limited to poetry sessions.

Paul is very proud of the U3A stating, “It is a great organisation with a very good program.

“In fact I think it is one of the best ever programs put forward.”

This year the program includes everything from learning how to make sourdough bread to growing plants in a community garden.

Paul was responsible for introducing the Cuppa and a Chat sessions which members enjoy and offer a great opportunity for other community members to find out about what the U3A offers.

This monthly session has now been running for fifteen years on the last Thursday of the month at the Salamander Bay Library building.

Life has not gone without challenges and Paul has been battling Melanoma since 1960.

When asked if he would accept the honour he had reservations as to whether he would make it to the presentation of the award – a goal that he is pleased to have achieved.

Paul is keen for everyone living locally to consider becoming a part of the U3A which offers education, social activities, games and outings.


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