Paterson Historical Society launches ‘Gresford To Carabolla – People And Places’

(L-R) Dr Brian Walsh, Paterson Historical Society President Cam Archer and Mayor Digby Rayward at the book launch.

THE Paterson Historical Society has launched its new book at an event at Gresford Bowling Club.

“Gresford To Carabolla – People And Places” was written by Dr Brian Walsh and details the European settlement of the Upper Paterson Valley north of Gresford.

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It was a full house at the Bowling Club for the launch and the event was well received.

Many people including Mayor Digby Rayward and Deputy Mayor Alexandria Carruthers attended, to discover more about the rich history of the area while also supporting the Historical Society.

Detailing the history, trials and tribulations of the emerging European settlement, the book preserves stories and memories of those long passed.

In the modern era, some of the areas spoken about in the book are now submerged as part of Lostock Dam.

This displacement of the population is a talking point in the publication.

Speaking to News Of The Area about the essence of the book, Dr Walsh said, “I think it’s about resilience.

“It’s about the story of the people on the Paterson River up from Gresford.

“The early families did it tough by modern day standards.

“The living conditions were crude and the country could be inhospitable because of the steep mountains and valleys. “It’s about their fortunes but also their hardships as they went through bankruptcies and changing industries that came and went.”

“Gresford To Carabolla – People And Places” is the result of years of hard work and research on Dr Walsh’s part.

“I’ve been collecting info for this book for about 30 years. It’s been lots of hard work but I love it.”


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