Participants required for Myall Lakes dingo interaction research

A NEW study of interactions between humans and dingoes in their natural habitat is being undertaken in the Myall Lakes.

The study will be carried out by Penney Wood (PhD Candidate), Dr Katie Moon (Chief Investigator) and Professor Deborah Blackman at the University of New South Wales Business School, Canberra.

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The project will also be associated with Dr Neil Jordon (UNSW School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences) and Dr Benjamin Pitchard (Macquarie University).

The aim of the research is to explore the diverse relationships present between people, wildlife, and the landscape, to understand the complex narrative or human-dingo coexistence in the region.

Currently, the study is looking for people to be involved in an interview and survey conducted by Ms Wood either online or face-to-face.

Ms Wood says that new models need to be examined for the human and wildlife interactions.

“Existing methods for describing human and wildlife interactions can be limited by one-sided depictions that fail to account for the wide variety of experiences and perspectives held by stakeholders and communities.

“These models risk mischaracterising relationships and implementing inappropriate management options that worsen outcomes for both humans and wildlife,” she said.

The research is looking for people who fit the following criteria.
● Persons aged eighteen years or older.
● Members and referrals of organisations involved in dingo management in the Myall Lakes (National Parks NSW Officers, Indigenous Land Management Officers, MidCoast Council Officers).
● Members and referrals of local interest groups in the Myall Lakes (Indigenous and citizen community groups, media, local walking groups, local bush regeneration groups, recreational fishing groups, chambers of commerce, progress and tourism, industry groups, outdoor social clubs and Myall Lakes residents).
● Tourists to the Myall Lakes National Parks areas.

To get involved, please contact Penney Wood on 0434 393 127 or at


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