Park Beach Women’s Bowls success and support

Robyn DeMeio Park Beach Women’s Bowls Club President, Virginia Longfellow skip one of the winning Women’s Pairs from Harbord, Bev White Park Beach Women’s Bowls Club Chairperson and Benita Andrews from the winning Women’s Pairs from Harbord.

EAT, SLEEP, bowls repeat.

It’s been a huge 12 days of bowls competitions at Park Beach Bowling Club with the completion of the Phoenix Pairs, Vic Watkins Memorial Day, Watson Pairs and the last event for the busy Park Beach Bowling Club, the 2022 Women’s Master Pairs contested last weekend, 16 – 17 July.

“The Women’s Master Pairs drew a lot of spectators and players alike and kept the club employees busy,” Christine Irvine from Park Beach Women’s Bowling Club told News Of The Area.

“It was great to see so many enjoying our club facilities, and beautiful weather.”

The event attracted 26 teams from all over the state and beyond to contest this prestigious event.

“These ladies are the best of the best, from Club Champions, State Champions, to Australian Champions,” she said.

The format of this event was four games over a two-day period.

Closing after day one the team of Jan Appleton and Maureen Smith composite team Pottsville were leaders, with the Park Beach team of Carolyn Dodds and Joan Woodford in fourth place.

Day two saw the completion of the event with three teams undefeated over the four games with just one point between the first and second, and second and third places.

The winners were Benita Andrews and Virginia Longfellow on 125 points, from Harbord.

Second place winners: Kate Matthews and Genevieve Delves with 124 points, from Raymond Terrace.

Third place was won by Carolyn Dodds and Joan Woodford on 123 points, from Park Beach.

“It was super quality bowls being played which kept the attention of the many spectators who came to watch, and we’re proud of how everything ran,” said Christine.

Rhonda Lincoln, one of the organisers of this event, said, “Players commented to me, and the committee of Bev White, Chrissie Sheridan and Neil Craig, that it was one of the best run events they have been associated with.”

It kept her very busy, from keeping the computer scores up to date with the help of Neil, taking photos and keeping everyone updated through her popular Facebook posts.

As with all smooth-running events, it takes teamwork and Rhonda shared thanks for all the help provided before, during and after.

“Thanks go to those behind the scenes, who helped make this day – the committee, bar staff, kitchen staff, those who sold raffle tickets and, last but not least, the sponsors for the event Ken Katon from Taylor Bowls and Park Beach Bowling Club.

“The winner of the bowls raffle donated by Ken from Taylor Bowls was our own club member, Carmen McVicor; congratulations.”

“Congratulations and a big thank you to all players in this event for making it the success that it was, hoping to see you all again next year,” said Christine.


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