Park Beach Women’s Bowls Club

Winners Carmen, Leonie and Anne-Marie with Patron Joan and Life Member Shirley.

RESULTS from Patron, Life Members and special birthdays 23.11.22.

J Rodwell & L McLeod d C McVicar & B White 23-7; J Farrell/J Boulton, E Kidd & L Loadsman d A Oak, P Poulton & V Valentine 16-13; A-M Taylor, J Clarke & D Walsh d J Watkins, L McLean & S Stirling 19-13; C Taylor, M England & B Bodel d H Illingsworth, V Maher & S Betts 18-12; D Allen, T Rhodes & S Hancock d M Gudgeon. D Futcher & R Wallace 21-14; M Phillips, P Garner & J Bishop d A McConachy, R Lincoln & E Denner 18-17; R De Meio/H Hardwick , M Watt & M Monck d J Kennedy,, A Orr & C Sheridan 18-16; C Treharne, S Wilson & C O’Dwyer d E Blanton, J Long & C Garrett 22-11.

Park Beach ladies celebrated an important event in their calendar last Wednesday.

It was Patron Joan Watkins, Life Members Isla Donkin and Shirley Betts’ special birthdays day.

Joan, Isla and Shirley sponsored the day and lucky rink winners were Ann–Marie, Taylor, Carmen, McVicar and Leonie Loadsman and runners-up Anne Oak, Rhonda Lincoln and Coral Garrett.

The special birthday girls cut the cake – a good time was had by all.

Jeannette, Betty and Val cutting the cake.

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