Park Beach Women’s Bowling Club thanks Joan Keogh Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 7, 2022 Joan Keogh made such a difference to the club. JOAN recently resigned due to ill health as our beloved treasurer. So we paid our gratitude to her for a job well done at a recent lunch. Joan joined Park Beach in 2002 after a move from Dorrigo. She was a regular bowler you could see out on the greens on Sunday, Wednesdays and Friday mornings. She was successful winning several championships, she became treasurer in 2011 serving our club well for 20 years. Joan also managed the Men and Ladies Pennant teams over the years, also giving of her time selling raffle tickets every Thursday night at the club, which she loved always giving of her time without hesitation. In the year of the International Women, Joan we thank you. By Christine IRVINE