Pancake brekkie to support domestic violence awareness on White Ribbon Day

Di Woods, Manager Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre, whips up pancakes for White Ribbon Day.


WHITE Ribbon Day is this Friday 19 November 2021.

White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence.

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The organisation strives for an Australian society where all women are free from all forms of violence and abuse.

“There has never been a more important time to share a collective voice that domestic abuse is a crime, and it is never acceptable,” Di Woods, Manager Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre told News Of The Area.

During COVID more than two in three services reported an increasing number of women who experienced controlling behaviours and domestic violence.

Lockdowns have contributed to or delayed women being able to seek help.

Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre, in partnership with Mission Australia, will invite community members and services to share a free White Ribbon Pancake breakfast 8:30-10:30am on this annual awareness day – Friday 19 November – in the Community Village (behind Coles) in the centre of Coffs Harbour.

“This breakfast gathering provides an opportunity for everyone to stand together to support respectful and safe communities for women,” said Di.

“We felt sharing a humble pancake was appropriate given that pancakes exist all over the world, with different cultural variations.

“We acknowledge this is a worldwide issue.

“We all have a role to play towards speaking up and changing attitudes across our community that excuse or turn a blind eye to behaviours that are disrespectful.”

White Ribbon Day aims to increase awareness of being part of the solution.

Healthy relationships are based on equality.

“Domestic Abuse is actions used by male partners to gain power and control over women.

“This can include verbal, psychological, emotional, financial or physical abuse.

“Often this can look like intimidation, coercion or threats, putting someone down or isolating them.

“If someone is experiencing domestic abuse, we encourage them to contact 1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732.”

This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experience.

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Pancake Brekkie for White Ribbon Day aims to increase awareness of being part of the solution to men’s domestic violence.

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