Palm Lakes Resort Bowls Club

Roger Williams and Doug Webber.

SATURDAY afternoon 3rd August we played bowls as usual then we held a BBQ for our Bowlers and guests.

The occasion was to donate funds raised by the Bowls members to the Rural Fire Brigade.

Thank you David Bright for attending to accept the donation.

The donation of $560 raised was from wrong bias bowls bowled during our usual bowls meetings on Thursdays and Saturdays.

One particular Bowler donated quite a lot of the sum raised.

He became notorious for bowling these wrong bias bowls.

The Bowls SIG Committee asked this bowler to nominate a charity in the area and he chose the Rural Fire Brigade.

David from the Rural Fire Service thanked the Club for the donation and explained what the funds would be used for.

As there are a lot of women volunteering in the Fire Service there has become a need to expand the facilities to cater for women’s rest and change rooms.

By Christine SMITH

David Bright.

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