Paddle Pops volunteer kayakers inspect Myall River at Tea Gardens for pollution

‘Paddle Pops’ Gordon Hutchins and Ron Larkin launch into the river, bound for Witt and Slip Islands, inspecting for potential pollution.

VIGILANT pollution inspections were performed by local kayakers upon the Myall River on Friday, 9 June.

“The first and last river clean-up, in 2018, pulled out four trailer-loads of rubbish, around the Bridge and other spots,” Gordon Grainger of the Myall River Action Group (MRAG) told NOTA.

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“MidCoast Council has promised to help in another clean-up, should it be necessary, providing a boat, trucks, and free access to the tip.”

The Paddle Pops group of kayak enthusiasts originated from Palm Lakes Resort, now with members all over Hawks Nest, Tea Gardens and North Arm Cove, who take a very keen interest in the health of the river, meeting every Tuesday, ‘rain, hail or shine’.

“The Paddle Pops were extremely valuable in 2018, so MRAG has asked them to investigate potential pollution along the foreshores of Slip and Witt Islands, in the middle of the river,” Mr Grainger explained.

Don Larkin and Gordon Hutchins set out at 8am sharp, paddling off to the islands to spot Doug Webber, ashore with the camera.

“We paddled at low tide to get the best view, but were pleasantly surprised how clean the area looked,” Mr Larkin reported.

An hour of hands-on investigation uncovered just one collapsible chair and a plastic drink bottle in the mud.

“It is the cleanest I have ever seen it, and a pod of dolphins joined us in our paddles,” Mr Larkin confirmed.

“Some large logs from yesteryear were observed on the riverside by Marine Drive, these were waterlogged and thought to pose zero risk to the environment and boat safety.”

The general consensus afterwards was that Tea Gardens locals are pollution-aware and kept their waterfront pollution-free.

“The MRAG is most pleased to receive this great report and would like to congratulate the community and visitors on keeping our river clean from rubbish,” Mr Grainger added.

Both groups intend to revisit the area after the Christmas break.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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