It was reported in Myall Coast News in an earlier edition that Pacific Palms Public School were in training to participate in a Fun Run to raise money for sports equipment and to have an emphasis on healthy food and exercise.

This Adidas School Fun Run happened in the last week of Term 3 and Lani Williams, a teacher at the school, did a fabulous job coordinating the event, organising community support and focusing entirely on participation.
Students seeked sponsorship, with the aim to run as many laps as they could in 45 minutes.
There was an exciting obstacle course set up around the school which had tyres to climb over, ropes to run under and a ball alley to weave through.
After the Fun Run, the students, staff and parents enjoyed healthy food.
Now that the count has been completed the school has announced that they raised almost $8000 which will go towards purchasing sports equipment.
Myall Coast News spoke to a parent of two of the children involved in the Fun Run:
“My girls tried really hard and completed 5 laps of the obstacle course.
“They raised $200 each just through online sponsorship.”
“All students were so keen on the day, and each had a target of laps that they were trying to reach individually,” says Amy Dorfling.
Amy also reported that there was enormous community and parent involvement on the day, whether it be running with kids, facilitating obstacles or running the salad bar or bbq for lunch.
The school wishes to thank all the staff, families and community members who supported the event.