Orara High School leap to beach volleyball success

Senior Boys. (Back row) A Horton (Coach), S Mcdonald, D Sui Ko. (Front row) M Omar, P Penh Hmung Thang, V Van Bawi Ceu and S Thang.

ORARA High School continued their brilliant volleyball season capping off the year winning the North Coast Beach Volleyball Championships in Port Macquarie last month.

Team coach Arlen Horton acknowledged the success of their indoor season as a pivotal factor.

“The senior boys, drawing from their strong performance at the indoor state titles, won all three games comfortably, clinching the North Coast Champions title.

“The school congratulates the senior boys team on their achievement, showcasing the strong quality and talent at Orara High School, with promising junior players emerging,” Horton said.

The next generation of volleyball players at Orara High School competed in the junior competition with one win and two losses.

“The junior team, despite limited playing time together, performed well but lost two out of three games.

“However, they secured a victory in the last game, gaining valuable experience,” Horton said.


Junior Boys. (Back row) A Horton (Coach), D Tobin, M Akishyn, T Pukin. (Front row) J Hmung, T Khamfoi, and J Hmung.

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