OPINION: Wrong plan for our roads


DEAR News Of The Area,

I RECEIVED in my letterbox a brochure (otherwise known as junk mail) from Kate Washington MP, but in this junk mail is an article about the new upgrade of Port Stephens Road from Cabbage Tree Road to Bobs Farm.

This would be one of the worst road plans I have ever come across in my past 50 years.

First of all, the new road is to go through wetlands and sand dunes which will need excavation, heavy matting, rock base, and a lot of road base (compacted) then topped with hot mix tar.

This road would be blasted with sand every time the winds come from the east, south and north.

The sand moves every year and could even cover the road in parts and could cause car accidents.

All this will cost at least five times more than widening the existing Nelson Bay Road.

The roundabout at the start of Lavis Lane is not wide enough to take a four lane road between McDonald’s and the service station.

Nelson Bay road is already there.

It needs to be widened to cater for an extra two lanes.

The new section of the Pacific Highway from Black Hill to Raymond Terrace will bypass Cabbage Tree Road and all the traffic from Sydney will go though Raymond Terrace, the same as the traffic from the north coast.

If this road is built, the ratepayers and Council of Port Stephens will have to bear the cost of the upkeep of two roads.
Newcastle Airport is a major airport and is being expanded.

It needs the road from Fern Bay to Bobs Farm (the existing road) to be upgraded by main roads contractors, not the Council, and maintained by the Council.

The people from Medowie and Lemon Tree Passage need this road.

It’s time for the members of State and Federal members of Port Stephens, Kate Washington and Meryl Swanson, to step up for the people of Port Stephens and not for themselves.

I just hope someone takes note and has some common sense.

Raymond Terrace.

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