OPINION: Where is the democracy on Valla Beach rezoning?

DEAR News Of The Area,

‘Think Global, Act Local’: This slogan describes the actions of Valla Beach residents opposing the decision by Nambucca Valley Council to reclassify Part Lot 45 Ocean View Drive from community to operational, allowing it to be sold for residential development.

At a time of devastating loss of habitat and wildlife over the entire world, we may feel powerless to make large changes, but we can try to protect our own neighbourhood.

Kangaroos are seen grazing and resting on this Lot each day and they use it to move through the landscape between bushland areas.

They obviously feel safe there and local people feel a sense of duty to protect these animals.

Since Council has dismissed the claims of the land being used in this way by wildlife, surely there should have been an ecological study done prior to a rezoning decision.

There are many native flora species growing on the land including Allocasuarinas, the only species of feed tree for endangered glossy black cockatoos.

Wildflowers are coming into bloom, but all vegetation will be reduced by Council workers to a height of 10cm.
Suggestions have been made by Valla Beach locals to enhance the area by bringing back topsoil that was removed and placing Pictorial Information Boards to showcase the nature reserves in the area.

Where is the democracy?

Despite zero residents being in favour of the rezoning and 36 detailed submissions opposing the rezoning, their opinions and wishes were dismissed as NIMBY syndrome (not in my back yard).

This is an insulting term, used to discredit people as being selfish or ill-informed.

Over 700 people signed a petition opposing the rezoning, and certainly Lot 45 was not in the vicinity of all their backyards.

To add insult to injury, two reports by Locale Consulting were produced, funded by the public.

It seems a waste of time and money when the motions of consulting the public are gone through only to be dismissed as not valid.

The Council has stated that funds raised from selling two housing blocks at Part Lot 45 will fund the repair of local infrastructure like the South Valla footbridge.

It must be asked: How is this a sustainable way to raise funds?

Coastal villages should not have to sell off their land to fund Council works.

Instead, Local Government should be protecting their heritage for future generations.

If you believe that Part Lot 45 should remain as community land please write to the Minister for Planning, the Honorable Anthony Roberts MP at office@roberts.minister.nsw.gov.au and request that he not approve this rezoning.

Yours sincerely,
Valla Beach.

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