OPINION: What did the Candidates stand for?


DEAR News Of The Area,

Thank you to Karin Matthews for her summary of what some of the Nambucca Valley candidates were standing for in the current election (‘Meet the Candidates’, Karin Matthews, Opinions and Letters, p16, News Of The Area, November 26 Edition).

As I am absent from the area I had a lot of difficulty finding out what the candidates were about from online searching.

There seemed to be a lack of information online and the submission made to the Electoral Commission by some candidates is surprising in its absence of information.

I expected in this time of massive social media influence and reach, that candidates would have a public information page that summarises their position on the important circumstances of our time, like climate change, loss of habitat for native wildlife, potential over development as well as the bread and butter issues like roads, whether dirt or bitumen, and services that satisfy community needs like affordable housing, safe places to live and work.

I understand that in the past Local Government has been the poor relation of the three levels of government but that time is long gone.

Local Government can bring back the ‘humanity’ of government with policies and procedures, plans and actions that support the actual living conditions of the people of the region.

Candidates should understand this and frankly I have not seen evidence that many do.

Nambucca Valley.

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