OPINION: Time to stand up for the Myall River

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WOULD like to respond to an opinion published in the newspaper dated 13/4 by Col Nicholson.

I read Col’s response to the original story regarding the river’s poor health.

The writer was “puzzled” as to the claims made in the original article however I am somewhat dismayed that the writer has not been able to observe over a period of 24 years the build of sand not only in the river mouth (eastern channel) but also further up the river.

I have witnessed over many years (I’m 63 by the way and have been coming here since I was a young child) not only the degradation of the eastern channel entrance, but the death of established mangroves and burial of sea grass by sand.

Remember when there was seagrass near the bridge and oyster leases on the river?

Now it’s all buried in sand!

Navigating the river at low tide at Tea Gardens, in front of the local businesses, is becoming problematic due to the encroachment of sand and now I observe abandoned moorings further up the river due to sand encroachment.

We all know what the cause of the sand build up is – now we have to stand up as a community and demand a permanent fix to the issues plaguing the river before we lose it!

Our local Port Stephens Member has made it public that the river health is one of her priorities and now Ms Washington is in government it’s time to put up!

I’ve written to her requesting the river management and dredging program be taken ‘out’ of council’s hands and be managed as part of a wider state government priority to ensure a ‘fair dinkum’ effort is made to fix these issues plaguing our river’s health.

I would urge all other people who agree with me to do the same.

Dave WOOD,
Hawks Nest.

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