OPINION: Think deeply about important referendum choice

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHERE is our spirit of generosity?

Before we vote Yes or No, can we ask ourselves are we happy with the plight of our First Nations peoples?

Do they deserve what has happened to them since the white people arrived?

Is it OK for them to expect a much shorter life, in worse health, than white people?

Should their children grow up with a much greater chance of being incarcerated than finishing high school?

The Voice won’t be a quick fix, but it will allow the Indigenous peoples to have a say about issues which affect them and make them accountable.

The Parliament will still decide if and what they support, as it does with the current myriad of other lobby groups such as miners, big banks, energy, farmers, Pharmacy Guild etc.

Is it really too much to ask?

Please everyone, have a really deep, soul search about your feelings and reasons for your choice in this very important referendum.

Dianne HENDRY,
Boambee East.

One thought on “OPINION: Think deeply about important referendum choice

  1. Not the old “generosity” plea again. Australians already generously give Billions of dollars to Indigenous organisations, especially NIAA.

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