OPINION – Think before voting

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WRITE in response to correspondent Margaret England’s ‘A simple Question’, NOTA, June 23, 2023.

I cannot understand what constitutes misinformation and confusion that Peter Dutton has supposed to have spread to the Australian people about the Voice.

Any proposed change to the Constitution must be analysed thoroughly and effectively so both sides of the argument can be presented and informed decisions made.

We can all agree that the atrocious treatment of the indigenous population was horrific, however this should not be determining any final decision on the Voice vote.

The Australian public should be considering the numerous groups and committees already catering to the indigenous population before offering up an affirmative vote.

We are a nation inclusive of all races and creeds and should not aim to segregate any group by advantage or favour.

Helen DWYER,
Boambee East.

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