OPINION – The ridiculous price of fuel: What can be done?

DEAR News Of The Area,

CONGRATULATIONS to Cr David Jones on raising the ridiculous price of fuel that residents of the Mid North Coast have been paying for many months and years.

This has been a thorn in my side for many years when you look at the cost of fuel in other areas of the state and also in Queensland and Victoria.

I raised this exact question with the Member for Cowper Pat Conahan.

His response was typical of a person who does not give a hoot about the community.

I actually asked if he could send me copies of correspondence that he may send to the ACCC concerning pricing of fuel in the Mid North Coast.

Guess what – I have not received any correspondence so I can only assume he has not written to them or made representations on behalf of his constituents.

This is a typical response to the male dominated members of the Liberal National Party.

“We are here in control and we know what’s best for everyone.”

When Pat Conahan’s party was in Government he did bugger all.

He is continuing the action in opposition.

Unfortunately Cr David Jones you have a big road to ride however I think if we don’t have the local member supporting your claim – you have a very big battle to fight.


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