OPINION: The ridiculous emergency

DEAR News Of The Area

THIS Council has found another way of wasting rate payers money and not focusing on core issues like maintaining the roads and other infrastructure.

They have approved a motion put forward by Cr Cassell to declare a climate emergency and now propose to waste money on an unnecessary media campaign.

He has used the recent fires and floods to push his cause.

In his address to Council he claimed these were unprecedented.

It appears that he lacks a little historic knowledge and has not heard of the many past fires including the 1861 fires that destroyed five million hectares and took twelve lives, or the 1939 fires that destroyed five towns, 3700 buildings and resulted in the loss of 71 lives.

Nor does he seem to know that the towns currently flooded have been flooded before.

It is not surprising that towns and houses built on rivers and floodplains would be subject to flooding.

Once extreme weather events were considered natural.

Even the IPCC acknowledges that even without human emissions there would still be extreme weather events.

But now they are all attributed to climate change without any scientific evidence linking them so.

If the Council believes that there is a serious climate emergency that poses an existential threat to humanity, surely they should be taking drastic measures such as abandoning their plans for the jetty foreshores and proposing we install a solar farm on all that open space instead.

After all, there’s no point in installing barbeques and building cafes if it’s all going to be under water in a few years without them.

Why, they could go even further and place wind turbines on all the surrounding hills.

Just think of all those eco-tourists we could attract to see our wonderful solar panels and wind turbines.

No, let’s just virtue signal.

It’s better if those ugly things are in somebody else’s backyard and while science remains unable to prove that carbon dioxide drives the climate it can never be claimed that the science is settled and such things may not be necessary after all.


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