OPINION: The absolute folly of the methane pledge

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHY do we allow politicians, many of whom have never set foot on a ‘real’ farm, come up with this ridiculous impost on our long suffering Aussie farmers, without a thread of evidence to the real facts!

Cattle and sheep who live their lives outdoors and are naturally grass fed, emit a minimum amount of methane, probably a lot less than your average beer guzzling bloke!

On the other hand, the poor animals who are confined to industrial feedlots, fed on grain and reduced to a 100 percent unnatural diet plus chemical additives, are unfortunately reduced to digestive tract problems leading to excess methane gas emissions!

Hence, instead of demonising our hard working farmers and their livestock, target inhumane industrial farming methods!

Grass fed cattle and sheep are happier, plus their milk and meat is far superior in taste!

It’s a win/win!

Coffs Harbour.

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