OPINION – Thanks Rev, no thanks

DEAR News Of The Area,

Thank you, Reverend Whelan (NOTA 28/7/23) for making your point with clarity.

Your previous letter (NOTA 14/7/23) in which you accused me of wanting to “deconstruct our history” left me more than a little puzzled.

I thank you, nevertheless, for the much-needed exercise which engaged me in finding a copy of my letter which so disturbed you.

It could easily have ended in a headline for NOTA, a bin notice from Coffs Council with directions on illegal disposal of human remains in the recycle bin instead of the green bin, to say nothing of another case for Vera.

Then, having found it, I was still none the wiser.

Now I am clear: I am supposed to vote ‘no’.

Well, no thanks. My vote will stand with our First Nations people, our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, whose history was not just ‘deconstructed’ but totally ignored; and, by the way, whose members have also served in two world wars.

It is a bit of a long bow to draw to say “all” Australians are suffering from problems in the financial system, as if that somehow relates to worthiness.

Quite a large number surely are suffering problems, and many unfortunate folk among us suffer out-and-out poverty – no homes (let alone loans) no electricity for which to be billed.

By the grace of God, neither you nor I, Reverend, fall into that category.

But we have Coffs Harbour neighbours who do.

I have no desire to deconstruct history, but I do have a strong desire to acknowledge its truth and learn from it.

To dislike someone or even despise them is one thing, but to deny their existence, as we would with a ‘no’ vote, to the constitutional recognition of fellow human beings, shows clear and total contempt for all who call this earth our home.

Red Rock.

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