OPINION: Spend our rates wisely


DEAR News Of The Area,

IT’S a shame Council couldn’t have been doing something better with all those millions being spent on the Civic Centre, like reintroducing Kerbside Pickup which would mean only half of that waste needing to go to the tip, as people love sorting through other people’s rubbish – thus halving the amount going to the landfill.

More importantly, when that service was removed there was no reduction in rates was there?


Now we have run out of room to dump rubbish and why is that!

Well, it’s pretty easy to conclude that as the rubbish was piling higher and higher Council just swept it all under the rug and went on ahead, instead spending many millions on this ridiculous Civic Centre which is, as we all voted against, totally unnecessary.

Meanwhile, as a new dumping ground wasn’t sourced, all our rubbish has to be carted out of the area at huge expense – inevitably to us, the ratepayers.

And it won’t be just a few dollars either.

Wait and see!

So, we are ALL looking forward to September and Council Elections, so we can have some fresh, community minded people looking after Coffs Harbour, doing everything in the interests of town and people.

Now wouldn’t that be something good to look forward to.


Coffs Harbour.

One thought on “OPINION: Spend our rates wisely

  1. The current situation with respect to hard rubbish collection is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, you may find that the existing contract binds the council to the current arrangements until 2027 and precludes council from engaging another contractor.

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