OPINION: Signage on path sharing please!

DEAR News Of The Area,

THIS Monday morning, I had the displeasure of meeting Scrooge personified.

She is an elderly woman (just like me)!

She had previously been pointed out to me by my cycling friends for refusing to share the path with cyclists.

As I arrived from Happy Valley, just before the start of the North Wall, she and her (nicer) friend were standing on the right of the path talking to a person in a motorised wheelchair dutifully parked on the left of the path (gravel on both sides).

As usual, I slowed down and rang the bell to warn them of my arrival, but they refused to move a couple of steps and allow me to overtake them, staying put and abusing me for “not slowing down and expecting everyone to move out of the way just by ringing the bell”.

According to her, cyclists should only ride on the road.

Most pedestrians are very friendly and give me a wave and even say: “Thank you for ringing your bell”.

With the holidays round the corner, for the sake of a few pedestrians like this Scrooge woman and some gung-ho cyclists, please Council, could you put up signage to explain how to share the path as I have seen in other towns.

Merry Christmas to all!

Ghislaine IMBERT,
Coffs Harbour.

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